Running a small company can involve a different number of moving components. You will have to take stock of what sort of inventory you have and make notes on the quantity. Hiring the right staff will also be key if you need an extra hand or two. It is important to seek further support since you must satisfy your customers.
Customers are loyal to companies that keep their feelings in mind when creating a good product. It might seem like it is not worth considering, but the type of boxes you use for shipping will matter. A customized shipping box can make the difference between keeping a customer or losing one.
Here is a detailed guide on how to personalize shipping boxes for business:
Shipping box size
The products you sell in your store will come in various sizes and shapes. If you use e-commerce, you will have to ensure these products can be shipped out safely. As a result, the shipping boxes you have in your business should account for the size of your items. Since boxes do not have to be expensive, you have some room to experiment.
For example, smaller boxes can be used to efficiently wrap around small accessories or paraphernalia. Larger products will have to have their shipping box similar to prevent damage during transport. Always consider the sizes first, and you will be well on your way!
Shipping box colours
As mentioned previously, boxes are generally not expensive for shipping purposes. However, to get in the good graces of your customer base, you will have to ensure they stand out. Make sure to personalize your shipping boxes with the right colours to make them look ideal.
As for what colours to use, that will ultimately depend on what sort of product you are selling. Companies with a vibrant brand and exuberant marketing may use bright colour schemes. Others that want to translate a more elegant design may use shades of black and white.
An elegant way to infuse colours into your shipping box is by using custom tape. The tape, which is available at businesses like The Packaging Company, will come in many different colours. You can experiment with many styles of tape to make your shipping boxes stand out.
Shipping box fonts
If colours are one of the most important aspects of a customized shipping box, fonts are a close second. A customer will have to read the information presented on the box’s sides to know what is inside. You don’t just have to resort to boring fonts, however. Experiment with quirky fonts, for example.
These fonts are sure to stand out, especially for younger demographics who appreciate this type of marketing. The fonts you do happen to choose will also have to have colours so that the entire package stands out. Once you come to a decision, your shipping box will almost be complete.
Shipping box flaps
As soon as the box arrives on the customer’s doorstep, they will bring it inside and promptly open it up. This is the standard for most shipping boxes, and it is generally expected to be the norm. However, this approach does not have to be the same for personalized shipping boxes when opening them up.
Your shipping boxes, once they account for the product’s size, can be opened up in numerous ways. Some may have flaps on the top side of the box, to which they can be unfolded in a pretty unique manner. Be sure to always make this functionality easy for your customers to make things less complicated.
Shipping box graphics
Rounding out the trifecta of important components for these types of shipping boxes is imagery. Should you truly want your particular box to stand out amongst the general competition, graphics will play a role. Those who run comic book shops, for instance, will use images of various superheroes.
Or, small businesses that sell sports apparel will include photos of famous athletes in a proportionate manner. Decide what sort of graphics will be used for your particular shipping box, and go from there. The proportion will matter greatly, as you do not want the box to be seen as overwhelming.
Shipping box packaging
While the outside elements of the shipping box will matter most, the contents inside it should also be thought of. For unique shipping boxes to be seen as different, you may want to think about going the extra mile. Don’t just place your item inside the box, and call it a day. Now would be a good time to add in some fun goodies.
Goodies are an awesome way to show your customers that you care about them. They will welcome that you are going beyond what is expected regarding customer satisfaction. Your box will be immensely appreciated after thinking about the internal and external elements!