Many types of farms exist, growing grain, potatoes, other vegetables, fruits, nuts, floriculture, beef cattle, dairy cattle, and other livestock. Each requires buildings and facilities to handle the processes that go with each type of farm. From steel buildings to advanced farm structures, many farm buildings are essential for routine farm management or for handling livestock.
The following are some of the more common buildings you may come across on a farm, entirely dependent on what type of farming you do.
1. Barn
A barn is a dynamic building available in all shapes and sizes. It is designed according to the livestock it is there to shelter. Barns are often steel buildings and can be multi-purpose, used to store farm machinery, livestock feed, and hay and grain.
2. Farmhouse
A farmhouse is where the family lives or where workers are provided lodging. This provides them with proximity to animals and crops. There may be regulations regarding how far away these dwellings can be from other residences or buildings.
3. Horse Stables
Stables provide housing for horses, providing shelter and a warm place to sleep at night. They are often steel buildings that are secure and clean in design. Though stables are usually associated with horses, the term is sometimes applied to other livestock.
4. Chicken Coop
A chicken coop protects chickens from predators and the elements and provides a safe space to lay eggs. Many chicken coops are being built larger these days to keep a flock indoors longer.
5. Brooder House
A brooder house is used in cold weather. It is a heated enclosure used to keep animals comfortable. A brooder house is essential in keeping young animals safe and warm.
6. Dairy Shed
A dairy shed is used to milk cattle. It has a nightshade, calf pen, feeding and watering area, milking section, and usually an area with feed and equipment. There should be adequate space in a dairy shed for resting and exercise.
7. Calf Pen
A calf pen is a structure for housing calves. In a building for this purpose, individual pens are typically sectioned off. This means each calf will get proper attention and limit the spread of diseases.
8. Rabbit Hutches
A rabbit hutch is dedicated to keeping rabbits. It is often painted white to reflect the solar radiation that causes sunburns on rabbits. A feeding and watering area and a resting and exercise area are inside a rabbit hutch. Ensure this building is placed in shade and protected from prevailing wind direction.
9. Crush
A crush is a facility wherein an animal is restrained to allow a farmer to perform certain routine practices on their livestock, such as spraying or milking. It consists of a holding yard that allows easy access to the animals by their side, facilitates hand-spraying to control ticks, drenches animals against internal parasites, vaccinations, artificial insemination, applying ID tags, taking body temperature, and more.
10. Silo
A silo is a vital piece of any farm that is collecting grain, such as rice or corn. A silo is where grain is stored. It’s also used to ferment food on farms to feed cattle and other animals. Silos can be towers, bunkers, or any size and shape.
11. Anaerobic Digester
An anaerobic digester facility is a farm building with a sealed, oxygen-free tank where organic waste can be digested. It is an eco-friendly, sustainable way to dispose of waste, often used on farms to break down animal manure, food waste, and similar materials.
12. Driveshed
A driveshed is sometimes referred to as a high-drive bank barn. It is a facility where wagons can enter directly into the hay loft, making hay unloading easier. It is unheated and uninsulated and is often used to store machines, maintaining accessibility and weather protection at all times.
13. Manure Storage
Manure requires a storage facility before it is utilized. Stockpiling manure piles solid manure and soiled livestock bedding in a convenient location. They often have a poured concrete floor, slightly sloped for drainage, and are the best way to store manure for future use.
14. Greenhouse
A greenhouse is an enclosed facility where plants are grown under glass or plastic protection. A farmer can control light, temperature, moisture, and other climate elements better. This is all meant to foster growth for plants that may have difficulty starting outdoors independently.
15. Fruit and Vegetable Storage
There are many ways to store fruits and vegetables for a farm. They require an on-site facility to adequately preserve their fruits and/or vegetables. These refrigerated facilities are often carefully monitored to maintain optimal conditions to protect this food.